Teatro dei Borgia
ovvero Cechov senza più betulle
concept, direction, light design Gianpiero Alighiero Borgia
with Teresa Acerbis, Raffaele Braia, Marco De Francesca, Serena Di Gregorio, Sabino Rociola
artistic direction Elena Cotugno
technical direction Filippo Sarcinelli
production Domenico Cotugno
organisation Stefania Minciulllo
curatorship and press office Antonietta Magli
Anton Chechov faces the Italian National Collective Performing Arts Work Contract and the Ministerial Decree on the National Fund for Live Performing Arts (now FNSV, formerly FUS). A cutting study on the stage as workplace, to reflect on work and toil, inspiration and exploitation.
Teatro dei Borgia is a theatre company founded in 2013 by Elena Cotugno (winner of the Maschere del Teatro 2021 Prize and two-time Ubu Prize finalist) and Gianpiero Alighiero Borgia (winner of the ANCT – Sipario 2010 Prize). In 2022 the company received the Rete Critica Prize and the ANCT Critics’ Prize.
running time: 60′
national premiere