CapoTrave/Kilowatt periodically organizes workshops and seminars with artists, dedicated to active citizen participation.
July – Kilowatt Festival: “Prima,” workshop held by the choreographer Viktor Černický.
Luglio – Kilowatt Festival: “Mass Effect”, workshop with the Danish dance company Himherandit.
October: “#generations,” workshop for teenagers held by Le Cri Devot.
July – Kilowatt Festival: “Almeno Nevicasse,” workshop held by Francesca Sarteanesi.
July – Kilowatt Festival: “The night is of the ghosts,” workshop for teenagers held by Eleonora Pippo.
July – Kilowatt Festival: “Ballo 1450 – Resurrection,” training program held by Virgilio Sieni
July – Kilowatt Festival: “Elevazioni – poetic theater workshop” held by Giorgio Rossi.
November: “Ballo Comune – workshop on gesture” held by Virgilio Sieni.
March: “Young girls are losing control,” free training program for girls held by Eleonora Pippo.
April/May/June: “MigrArti,” a theater workshop for the second-generation Italians and immigrants who live between Sansepolcro and Arezzo, held by Gilda Foni and Chiara Ramanzini; in collaboration with the Bangladesh Cultural Association of Arezzo, Associazione Il Timone of Sansepolcro and Fraternita dei Laici of Arezzo.
June: “Apienemani,” theater workshop held by Barbara Carracini.
July – Kilowatt Festival: Workshop “Spettatori Erranti” held by Serena Riposi.
July – Kilowatt Festival: Dance workshop held by Giorgia Nardin.
April: Workshop “Letters” curated by Michael Zahora.
April: “Il Centro della Visione, ci si può allenare per essere uno spettatore migliore?”, promoted by CapoTrave/Kilowatt and Laboratori Permanenti, with a contribution by Marco Martinelli.
July – Kilowatt Festival: “Spettatori Erranti”, in collaboration with Rete Teatrale Aretina and Associazione Sosta Palmizi.
December: Workshop for children held by illustrator Oscar Sabini.
April/May/July: “Il Centro della Visione – per un’accademia dello spettatore”, promoted by CapoTrave/Kilowatt and Laboratori Permanenti, under the scientific direction of Piergiorgio Giacché, with the contributions by Mario Perrotta, Claudia Cannella, Stefano Rulli, Pippo Delbono
May: “What age are you acting?”, theater and dance workshop held by Silvia Gribaudi.
July – Kilowatt Festival: Workshop for children held by Librifattiamano.
July – Kilowatt Festival: Photography workshop held by Luca Del Pia.
July – Kilowatt Festival: “Spettatori Erranti”, in collaboration with Rete Teatrale Aretina.
December: “Il Centro della Visione – per un’accademia dello spettatore”, promoted by CapoTrave/Kilowatt and Laboratori Permanenti, under the scientific direction of Piergiorgio Giacché, with the contributions by Mara Cassiani, Giancarlo Gaeta, Collettivo NADA/Interno 5, Pathosformel.
July – Kilowatt Festival: Photographic workshop held by Luca Del Pia.