L’Italia dei Visionari
L’Italia dei Visionari is a network that unites eight Italian theatres and festivals where the practice of co-programming with Visionari has been implemented; each year a call for proposals is launched and each group of Visionari independently chooses the shows for their respective artistic programmes.
Residenze Digitali
Residenze Digitali, conceived by the Artistic Residency Center of Tuscany (Armunia, CapoTrave/Kilowatt) in collaboration with eight other partners, is an action that supports the research process of a number of performing art projects developed in a digital environment each year. Between November and December, they present the outcome of their processes during La Settimana delle Residenze Digitali.
In-Box is an Italian network that aims to support the promotion of emerging Italian artists. Created by Straligut Teatro, now the project includes over 50 partners.
NdN is an Italian network created by Residenza Idra, from Brescia, supporting contemporary Italian dramaturgy.
Risonanze Network
Risonanze Network is an Italian network dedicated to theatre made by 20- to 30-year-old people, for the promotion and support of young companies and the involvement of spectators under 30 in the artistic direction process.
CReSCo is a network of more than 200 Italian organizations active in the performing arts field (theatre and dance), which collaborate in a dialogue with public institutions in rethinking what is contemporary today.
Toscana Terra Accogliente
Toscana Terra Accogliente is promoted by 18 of the 32 Tuscan Artistic Residencies of RAT, which through a call for proposals select 6 professional groups who are offered 40 days of creative residency, an economic contribution, and opportunities for visibility and circulation. Collaborating in the action: Fondazione Teatro Metastasio of Prato, Fondazione Toscana Spettacolo onlus, Centro di Produzione della Danza Virgilio Sieni of Florence and Fondazione Fabbrica Europa of Florence.
Anticorpi XL
Network Anticorpi XL is the Italian network dedicated to young auteur dance. Founded in 2007, it currently involves 41 venues in 17 regions.

ResiDance – places and residency projects for choreographic creations – is an action dedicated to residency projects for choreographic creations.

Danza Urbana XL
Danza Urbana XL – dance proposals in urban landscapes -promotes the dissemination and visibility of works conceived for urban or unconventional spaces.

Crisol – formed by 7 Italian organizations led by Fondazione Fabbrica Europa, and by 14 international partners in the framework of the Boarding Pass Plus call by the Italian Ministry of Culture – promotes the internationalization of young Italian artists and professionals, through their access to an international cooperation context.

Omissis – osservatorio drammaturgia
Omissis – dramaturgical observatory is a project curated by Theatron 2.0, designed as a space of expression and visibility for the most interesting voices on the national playwriting scene; in 2023 the Observatory was enhanced through the founding of a National Dramaturgy Prize.