running time: 55'


From irony to absurdism, an invitation to go beyond appearances


Les Vagues / Joachim Maudet

choreography and performance Joachim Maudet and with Sophie Lèbre, Pauline Bigot
light design Nicolas Galland
technical direction Laura Cottard, Brice Helbert
sound design Julien Lafosse
sound director Rebecca Chamouillet, Julien Lafosse
outside eye Yannick Hugron, Chloé Zamboni vocal coach Pierre Derycke
production and promotion Aline Berthou, Charlotte Bayle / Aoza production
coproduction Le Triangle, cité de la danse / Rennes, KLAP Maison pour la danse / Marseille, Le réseau des petites scènes ouvertes, Danse à tous les étages, le Théâtre de l’Arsenal / Val-de-Reuil, Centre Chorégraphique National de Rillieux-La-Pape, Théâtre de Vanves
with the support of  Le Colombier / Bagnolet, Le Dancing / Val-de-Reuil, Honolulu / Nantes, Danse Dense, Festival Parallèle / Marseille, CND Lyon, Studio Chatha, Centre chorégraphique national de Rennes
with the support of DRAC Bretagne, Région Bretagne, Rennes Métropole

The magic of ventriloquism creates a hybrid atmosphere that sways between the satirical and the disturbing. Bodies and voices separate from each other in an intertwined dialogue that aims to get us closer to what is other than us.

The Les Vagues company was founded in 2017 by French performer Joachim Maudet, who trained at the Conservatoire National Supérieur de Musique et de Danse de Paris. He created his first piece, stɔːriz, in 2019, and the solo Gigi in 2021.

running time: 55′

non-verbal show

national premiere

YouTube video player
