running time: 60'

We did it!

A better world? We can do it!



concept Fiorenza Menni and Andrea Mochi Sismondi
with Andrea Mochi Sismondi
direction, stage space and sound project Fiorenza Menni
dramaturgy Andrea Mochi Sismondi
musical creation Vincenzo Scorza
voices Anna Amadori, Massimiliano Briarava, Eugenia Delbue, Fiorenza Menni e Alessio Scorza
communication and project management Tihana Maravic
promotion and distribution Marica Marenna
administration Greta Fuzzi
technical direction Giovanni Brunetto and Vincenzo Scorza

thanks for the literary suggestion to Simona Brighetti, Gaspare Caliri, Valentina Cappi, Chiara Davino, Daria Deflorian, Chiara Lagani, Pierluigi Musarò, Paolo Nori, Ilaria Palomba, Laura Pugno, Alessandra Sarchi e Sara Sermini
production Ateliersi
in collaboration with IT.A.CÀ Migranti e Viaggiatori, Progetto Reimagining Mobilities, Cluster Create e Greentech dell’Emilia Romagna, Rete Lo Stato dei Luoghi e Soverini
with the support of Ministero della Cultura, Regione Emilia-Romagna and Comune di Bologna
with the support of PNRR per la Transizione Ecologica degli Organismi Culturali e Creativi finanziata dall’Unione Europea – Next Generation EU

In a future where some of the crises that undermine life on Earth today have been overcome, two authors seek to crumble the TINA (There Is No Alternative) Paradigm, by sharing existing practices and breakthrough inventions.

Ateliersi is a Bologna-based collective of artistic production directed by actress / writer Fiorenza Menni, recipient of the 2007 Eleonora Duse Prize – Honorable Mention for best emerging actress, and by actor / writer Andrea Mochi Sismondi.

running time: 60′

world premiere

YouTube video player
