Into the deep underground: a choreographic investigation of the relationship between man and nature
Nicola Galli
concept, direction, coreography, performance Nicola Galli
and with Massimo Monticelli
staging and lighting Margherita Dotta
dramaturg Giulia Melandri
smell of the set Aquaflor Firenze
production Tir Danza
coproduction Marche Teatro / Inteatro Festival, Fondazione I Teatri di Reggio Emilia
with the sustain of Ccn Ballet de Lorraine, Ater Fondazione, Network Grand Luxe
artistic residencies Grand Studio Bruxelles, Ick Amsterdam, Centro Culturale S. Chiara
in collaboration with Rete Almagià
We are in a subterranean space, a terrarium of remains and debris. Here, two bodies practise becoming inhabitants of a landscape that turns into cave, cavity, swamp. They rely on the characteristics and intentions of the animal realm, of the plant and fungi kingdom, thus questioning humanity’s centrality.
Nicola Galli (1990) is a choreographer, dancer, and lighting and costume designer who works with body research. He is an artist supported by Tir Danza. With Il mondo altrove: un dialogo gestuale he won the Danza Urbana XL 2021callout.
durata: 50′
non-verbal show