The origins of domestic violence
Wunderbaum / Marleen Scholten
una tragedia moderna senza via d’uscita
concept, dramaturgy, performance, direction Marleen Scholten
and with Alessandro Riceci, Ludovica Callerio, Elisabetta Bruni
set and light design Maarten van Otterdijk
dramaturg Dafne Niglio
technician Enrico Mirante
thanks to Romaeuropa, Zona K, Theater Rotterdam, Paolo Aniello, Paolo Mastromo, Tiziana Colla
a special thanks to Paolo Giulini (criminologo clinico), Roberto Bezzi (responsabile area educativa seconda casa di reclusione Milano)
with the support of IntercettAzioni – Centro di Residenza Artistica della Lombardia e Residenza Spazio Nobelperlapace / Arti e Spettacolo L’Aquila
photos Luca Chiaudano
video Huub Laurens
and with Alessandro Riceci, Ludovica Callerio, Elisabetta Bruni
set and light design Maarten van Otterdijk
dramaturg Dafne Niglio
technician Enrico Mirante
thanks to Romaeuropa, Zona K, Theater Rotterdam, Paolo Aniello, Paolo Mastromo, Tiziana Colla
a special thanks to Paolo Giulini (criminologo clinico), Roberto Bezzi (responsabile area educativa seconda casa di reclusione Milano)
with the support of IntercettAzioni – Centro di Residenza Artistica della Lombardia e Residenza Spazio Nobelperlapace / Arti e Spettacolo L’Aquila
photos Luca Chiaudano
video Huub Laurens
How does one get to a desperate act? A family is locked in a not-too-big house. They are ordinary people; they need somewhere private where they can spend time on their own.
Marleen Scholten is an actress and co-founder of the award-winning Dutch collective Wunderbaum, which has won, among others, the Proscenium Prize in Amsterdam, the Mary Dresselhuys Prize in Rotterdam, and the Total Theatre Award in Edinburgh.
running time: 60′