“Shared rhythms, common steps and energising dance pieces”
National Premiere
Viktor Černický
concept and choreography Viktor Černický
with Tinka Avramova, Tomáš Janypka, Lukáš Karásek, Jaro Ondruš
and a group of locals
light designer Zuzana Režná
dramaturgy Sodja Lotker
production Zdruhestrany
realized in the framework of the Be SpectACTive! project
main co-producer Tanec Praha / Ponec – dance venue coproduction Cafè de las Artes Teatro (ES), Teatrul national Radu Stanca (RO), CapoTrave/Kilowatt (IT) in collaboration with Festival 4 + 4 Days in Motion 2019, Cirqueon, Invalidovna Praha
with the support of Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic and The City of Brno
How to cross the boundary between the individual and the collective, through the involvement of a heterogeneous group of locals. A chance to meet ourselves through art, where choreographic movements and gestures become a game.
Viktor Černický is a Slovak dancer and choreographer living in Prague. He won several awards, including the Total Award and the Audience Award in 2019. His creation PLI has been presented in numerous festivals in Europe and Asia, from London to Hong Kong.
Running time 70′
non verbal show