How many and which are the rooms in our world?
Babilonia Teatri
Pietre nere
by Enrico Castellani and Valeria Raimondi
with the artistic collaboration of Francesco Alberici
with Francesco Alberici, Enrico Castellani and Valeria Raimondi
and with Orlando Castellani
set direction Luca Scotton
production Babilonia Teatri and La Corte Ospitale
coproduction Operaestate Festival Veneto
with the support of Fondazione Compagnia di San Paolo
Thanks to Daniele Costa, Nadia Pillon, Elisa Pregnolato, Jonel Zanato, Annalisa Zegna, Stefano Masotti, Marco Pesce, Francesco Speri
The concept of home, starting from sites that, in most people’s opinion, are not homes. To shift the point of view, to welcome and adopt the gaze of those who inhabit these places. Voices, sounds, images, stories, to narrate the complexity we live in.
Babilonia Teatri is a Veneto-based company with a pop, rock, punk language, founded by Enrico Castellani and Valeria Raimondi. It emerged in 2007 thanks to Scenario Award. In 2016 they won the Leone d’Argento at the Venice Biennale for theatrical innovation.
Running time 50′