Urban Dance
Ivona / Pablo Girolami
concept Pablo Girolami
with Samuele Arisci, Katarzyna Zakrzewska, Sara Ariotti, Fabio Cavallo
with the sustain of Derida Dance Stage, Sofia; Go_Towards (project of BoardingPass Plus – MiC)
funded by European Union – Culture Moves Europe
A group of dancers is led to move through space to “migrate.” The purpose is not only to travel to a more fertile land, but also to strengthen the ties of the community in which they live.
Ivona is a dance production company founded in 2019 by Pablo Girolami and funded by the Italian Ministry of Culture. In 2021 T.r.i.p.o.f.o.b.i.a. won the Best Choreography Prize at the Distrito de Tetuan competition in Madrid and at the Choreographic Competition Linkage in Bulgaria.
durata: 35′
non-verbal show