Theatre Artistic Residency at the Misericordia Theater – November 2024

IL CANTO SULLA POLVERE Invocation to Ingeborg Bachmann ALESSANDRA CHIELI by and with Alessandra Chieli assistant director Emma Tramontana original music Toni Virgillito and Michele Mandrelli sound and video editing Alessandra Chieli technical supervision Stefan Schweitzer with the support of Teatro Macondo | C.A.P.I., Teatro di Anghiari; Residenza della Toscana (Armunia – CapoTraveKilowatt)

Sometimes written words seem a mirror of our thoughts. That light that comes on, that creates warmth in recognizing in others how you feel. Words that resonate loud and clear. This happened with Ingeborg Bachmann, this is the good time to go through her thoughts and visions. Words that push toward a precipice, that bring us before the absolute with the gentleness and cruelty that belong to all humankind, without discount. Il canto sulla polvere is an invocation, a plot of stories, poems and images, in which the word as in a radio drama becomes music, where love and pain and adherence so strong to life echo, become, body, open to other worlds. A self that transforms from time to time. Bachmann’s voice traverses stories and characters, becomes Jennifer and Jan, Judge and Good Lord, will tell us about the love and time of these ardent and absolute lives, lives always close to the edge. The relationship with time, the adherence to an inescapable and inevitable today. Il canto sulla polvere – Invocation to Ingeborg Bachmann is a dramaturgical work of recomposition starting from the radio drama The Good God of Manhattan, a paradoxical noir drama played on the edge of irony and cynicism. A Good God executioner who denounces and condemns with death the subversive side of love, moves among lyrics, fragments of short stories, novels and essays. A call to ‘abandonment, against all consolation.

Alessandra Chieli, from Città di Castello, is an actress, singer and guitarist; in theater she is also a director and author. She has been pursuing her personal research on voice and sound for years. She studied classical guitar at the Martini Conservatory in Bologna, acting at the Accademia Antoniana and together with valuable teachers who have given her a cross training from acting to singing to music to dance (among others Angela Malfitano, Luca Stetur, Eugenio Premuda, Stefano Antonini, Claudio Morganti and Rita Frongia). He works both freelance and actively with his two theater companies: the Compagnia Barone Chieli Ferrari and the Compagnia Teatro Macondo co-founded in 2021 by CAPI – Consorzio Altre Produzioni Indipendenti di Roma. Her latest theater works include “Manuscripts Don’t Burn: The Master and Margarita, A Vision,” of which she is actress, director and author, a project semifinalist at InBox 2024, Veronica Raimo’s “Tomorrow the Newspapers Won’t Come Out,” by Compagnia Barone Chieli Ferrari and THE SINGING ON THE DUST Invocation to Ingeborg Bachmann, a finalist with the first study at the Dante Cappelletti Prize 2023. He works in TV and film, and his voice is featured in various audioguides and museum installations, radio podcasts and audiobooks. Intense and well-established collaborations have been over the years with Silvio Panini’s company Koiné Teatro Sostenibile, Zeranta Edutainment, cultural institutes and publishing houses. He has been actively collaborating with Anghiari Theatre since 2020. Performs as a solo voice and guitarist in Italy and abroad.

START DATE:November 29, 2024

LOCATIONTeatro alla Misericordia