EYEnet 2.0

EYEnet 2.0 is a project of the Europe for Citizens Program that involves young European citizens to enhance theatre as a collective art form and social forum, with the aim of creating debate around the current values and problems of the EU. Realized in 8 European cities (Athens, Berlin, Clermont-Ferrand, Kaunas, Maribor, Novi Sad, Prague, Sansepolcro), through 8 theatre workshops, the participants have had the opportunity to address important issues such as anti-fascism, women rights, Euroscepticism, ecology, economic differences, racism. Starting from the selection of one or more topics, each group worked on the realization of a collective creation, to be presented in all the cities of the network.

The works created during the workshops will be staged in Sansepolcro on July 12, while, on the morning of Wednesday 13, the Parlamento dei Giovani will be held, from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., at the Biblioteca Comunale.


Teatro alla Misericordia, 15:00

Mladinski Kulturni Center Maribor (SI)
Some like it fake

artistic mentorships Barbara Polajnar, Jaka Andrej Vojevec
by and with Nina Slanič, Davorin Juhart, Timotej Kresnik, Alja Jeršič

In the Information Age, data are the new gold: media, reporting and manipulation.

Running time 50′


Auditorium Santa Chiara, 16:00

Klub mladých diváků (CZ)
Marshal Konev’s Last Battle

artistic mentorships Zuzana Burianová, Barbora Šupová
with Šimon Kobulej, Markéta Kultová, Lucie Matinová, Petra Šavrdová

The historical trauma of the Russian occupation, Euroscepticism and the memory of the public space.

Running time 50′


Chiostro San Francesco, 17:10

Polyplanity Productions (GR)
Unwritten Land 

artistic mentorships Yolanda Markopoulou, Dimitris Georgiadis
with Lida Manousou Alexiou, Natalia Peleka, Theodosis Tanis, Tasos Provias, Andriani Neokleous
collaboration to the dramaturgy Eleni Andreadis, Thanos Christodoulou
music Lumiere Brother

The construction of a wind farm, between climate crisis and landscape protection.

Running time 45′


Teatro alla Misericordia, 18:10

Pažaislis Music Festival (LT)
The Noise of The Silence 

direction, set design Rokas Lažaunykas
with Greta Dirmauskaitė, Titas Jurjonas, Rokas Lažaunykas, Paulius Jurjonas, Rugilė Tamošauskaitė
assistant to the direction Greta Dirmauskaitė
media artist Titas Jurjonas

Empathy and solidarity, to get closer to people with hearing loss and deafness.

Running time 60′


Auditorium Santa Chiara, 19:30

Theater troupe Drž’- ne daj (RS)

artistic mentorship Sonja Leštar
with Aleksa Tucakov, Isidora Lakić, Pavle Hrnčić, Sofija Marić, Medina Ramadani, Maja Grgić
direction Maja Grgić
set and costume designer Djordje Markovic
augmented reality Stanislav Grgić
sound designer Milan Inić, Stefan Sabo

The environmental crisis: an announced catastrophe. Can we destroy everything?

Running time 30′


Teatro alla Misericordia, 21:00

Compagnie de l’Inutile (FR)
Turn Before the Ruins 

artistic mentorships Kate Papi, Eric Vanelle
with Scarlett Audry, Clémence Herquin, Marie Baldy, Amarine Rignagnese

Symptoms of the diseases that plague our society: from feminicide to homelessness.

Running time 50′


Chiostro Santa Chiara, 22:10

CapoTrave/Kilowatt (IT)
Do you Like Tomato Sauce?

artistic mentorship Chiara Ramanzini, supervisor Lucia Franchi
with Alessia Antimi, Andrea Bucci, Letizia Cavargini, Giulio Detti, Agnese Gai, Giulia Gennaioli, Elena Lepri, Giuseppe Lucaccioni, Chiara Marrani, Riccardo Rondini, Emma Sabatini, Vanessa Sinani, Agnese Zazzi

Low-cost products and working conditions for harvesting the red gold: the tomato.

Running time 30′


Chiostro San Francesco, 23:00

multicultural city e.V. (DE)

artistic mentorship Monika Dobrowlanska
concept and performance Taina Roma, Sofia Petryshyn, Paul Leonhard Ohliger

The racist murders of Hanau, in Germany, from the point of view of the victims and the witnesses of the shootings.

Running time 25′


Single ticket valid for all EYEnet 2.0 shows: € 10.00

START DATE:July 12, 2022
START TIME:15.00, 16.00, 17.10, 18.10, 19.30, 21.00, 22.10, 23.00

LOCATIONTeatro alla Misericordia, Chiostro di San Francesco, Chiostro di Santa Chiara, Auditorium di Santa Chiara, Sansepolcro
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