That’s all folks! / Prova aperta il 13 Febbraio

Theatre Artistic residency at Teatro alla Misericordia between 11 and 18 February

Open reharsal 13rd of February at 9 pm THAT’S ALL FOLKS! FRITZ COMPANY BIGI/PAOLETTI

by Damiano Ottavio Bigi, Alessandra Paoletti and with Damiano Ottavio Bigi, Ching-Ying Chien, Issue Park, Faith Prendergast sound David Blouin scenes Tzela Christopoulou co-production Festival Equilibrio Roma, FRITZ Company, Compagnia Simona Bucci/Degli Istanti, Fabbrica Europa PARC Performing Arts Research Centre Florence supported by Pina Bausch Zentrum (Wuppertal), 2WORKS/Dimitris Papaioannou, Italian Cultural Institute Cologne in collaboration with NID Platform, CHATHA Lyon, Armunia – CapoTrave / Kilowatt with the support of Pina Bausch Zentrum (Wuppertal), 2 WORKS/Dimitris Papaioannou, Italian Cultural Institute Cologne in collaboration with NID Platform, AMAT

The project was created as an ideal continuation of the company’s previous work on a path that continues to bring dance, science and myth into dialogue. This new creation shifts the focus to the arrival of man in the history of the universe, or rather the relationship between man and the cosmos.

FRITZ Company Bigi/Paoletti is an artistic project and dance-theater company founded in 2020 by Damiano Ottavio Bigi, dancer and choreographer, and Alessandra Paoletti, actress and director. Their work is born in a dialogue with different languages, moving between dance, theater and visual arts.

START DATE:February 13, 2024

LOCATIONTeatro alla Misericordia