Dopofestival in Sansepolcro

curated by effetto~k
in collaboration with Associazione Culturale Cautha
admission to concerts 1€
free admission to dj-sets

Musical contaminations, featuring bands and DJs from different geographical and artistic territories. From folk to jazz, not leaving out rock, pop and electronic, to go through the night together. When the curtain is drawn, the lights are turned on the music stages, to continue celebrating the ritual of aggregation and conviviality.

effetto~K is a storytelling and music workshop in Sansepolcro, born to promote narrative, musical practices and musicophilia. Cautha, Etruscan deity of the sun, dawn and beginnings, is a youth association based in Cortona focusing on culture and entertainment.


Giardini di Piero (Sansepolcro)
Tue 12, Wed 13, Thu 14, Fri 15, Sat 16 July 24:00
dj-set by dj Collo

An eclectic music selection beating the visionary hours of the night, after the end of live concerts. A magical, warm, embracing time, where you can let yourself go to diffused sounds, in contrast to the frenetic rhythm of the day.


Giardini di Piero (Sansepolcro)
Tue 12 July 24:00

Demagó in concert

Italian indie rock band, born in 2013 in Città di Castello, in Umbria. Linea di confine is their first album. The new album entitled Ferite was released on 19 March 2021 with the Ferrara-based label (R)esisto Distribuzione and was preceded by the single Il mio demone.


Giardini di Piero (Sansepolcro)
Wed 13 July 24:00

Lenz in concert

The group formed by multi-instrumentalist Damiano Lanzi and percussionist and producer Lidia Manzano is inspired by post-punk and post-rock, to arrive at an almost folk-like form of song. On playlist tracks from their latest album.


Giardini di Piero (Sansepolcro)
Thu 14 July 24:00

First Blues Trio in concert
“I’m going down to Puerto Rico”

A journey through the 50s and the Beat Generation, the protesting and rebellious movement that inspired youth subcultures. A trip made by words and music with the fathers of the American non-conformism: Jack Kerouac and Allen Ginsberg.


Giardini di Piero (Sansepolcro)
Fri 15 July 24:00

Kin Chi Kat in concert

The Ukrainian duo Kin Chi Kat consists of the rapper and showman Nick and the singer-songwriter Kat, whose voice is reminiscent of a young Amy Winehouse. On the program pop songs with a contagious rhythm.


Giardini di Piero (Sansepolcro)
Sat 16 July 24:00

Party di metà festival

Valtiberina and Valdichiana meet thanks to the musical selections of Dj Collo and Dj smAusa.

Action realised thanks to the Carica dei 101 project through the call “Siete Presente. Con i giovani per ripartire” promoted by Cesvot and financed by Regione Toscana – Giovanisì in agreement with the Department for Youth Policies and Universal Civil Service, with the contribution of Fondazione CR di Firenze.

Ingresso gratuito

Free entrance

START DATE:July 15, 2022


13/07 -- 24.00

14/07 -- 24.00

15/07 -- 24.00

16/07 -- 24.00

LOCATIONGiardini di Piero della Francesca, Sansepolcro