
After the curtain call, the after-party begins: a selection of live DJ-sets leads us through the night. From 23:00, at the Giardini di Piero. Organised by I Citti del Fare. Fri 12: Dj Ricky B (commercial) Sat 13: Dj Benny Blanco (techno) Sun 14: Dj Lorenzo Trevinati (deep house) Mon 15: Dj Francesco Gori Awarz (commercial) Tue 16: Dj Skualo (’90s) Wed 17: […]

The end of a love story, in a receipt Theatre Pier Lorenzo Pisano TOTALE dramaturgy and direction Pier Lorenzo Pisano with Gioia Salvatori, Andrea Cosentino set design Rosita Vallefuoco music Francesco Leineri production Cranpi costumes Raffaella Toni assistant to the direction Valeria Patota press office Linee Relations with the contribute of MiC – Ministero della Cultura with the support of […]
La morte ovvero il pranzo della domenica

A poetic and humorous journey into the greatest taboo of our culture Theatre Dammacco – Balivo LA MORTE OVVERO IL PRANZO DELLA DOMENICA with Serena Balivo concept, dramaturgy, direction Mariano Dammacco production Compagnia Diaghilev with the support of Spazio Franco, Casa della Cultura Italo Calvino Every Sunday, a woman goes to lunch with her […]
Arco in concert

Concerts with emerging and established artists from the national and European music scene decorate the aperitif hour at the Giardini di Piero: from prog to electronic, all strictly live. Arco is a collective project of experimental songmaking and writing, led by Andrea Guerrini. Three years after their debut album, judged by Blow Up magazine […]
Il teatropostaggio da un milione di dollari

Actors and memers for first-ever performance to be realised on Telegram Digital Performance Giacomo Lilliù – Pier Lorenzo Pisano IL TEATROPOSTAGGIO DA UN MILIONE DI DOLLARI ideation, performative curatorship Giacomo Lilliù dramaturgical curatorship Pier Lorenzo Pisano with the actors Federica Dordei, Lorenzo Guerrieri, Arianna Primavera, Daniele Turconi with the creators Giulio Armeni, Davide Palandri, Piastrelle sexy, Daniele Zinni, […]

The migration of birds and other animals Urban Dance Ivona / Pablo GirolamiMIGRATION concept Pablo Girolamiwith Samuele Arisci, Katarzyna Zakrzewska, Sara Ariotti, Fabio Cavallowith the sustain of Derida Dance Stage, Sofia; Go_Towards (project of BoardingPass Plus – MiC)funded by European Union – Culture Moves Europe A group of dancers is led to move through space […]
Rapsodie + Agata

A performance fully of imagery, between dance and jazz Dance Sosta Palmizi/Giorgio Rossi – Livio Minafra RAPSODIE + AGATA choreography and performance Giorgio Rossi live music Livio Minafra production Ass. Sosta Palmizi with the support of Ass. per la diffusione della Danza New Butoh The dancer and the pianist on stage share improvisations as if they were […]
Officina Oceanografica Sentimentale

From a caravan to the depths of the ocean: a journey through the eyes of migrants Urban Theatre for 7 spectators at a time Compagnia Samovar OFFICINA OCEANOGRAFICA SENTIMENTALE concept and performance Luca Salata An immersive performance: a 15 minutes long apnea to understand how deep the sea is. All of us, from Ulysses to Noah […]
Vasari: Le Vite

Digital Performance from 5pm to 10pm Lombardi – Tiezzi VASARI: LE VITEnati sotto Saturno video work Federico Tiezzi by Le Vite di Giorgio Vasari dramaturgical adaptation Fabrizio Sinisi video making Davide Barbafiera co-production Comune di Pistoia, Musei Civici, Museo del Novecento e del Contemporaneo di Palazzo Fabroni, Vulpis Productionin collaboration with Teatri di Pistoia with the support […]
Motus Mori – Museum

The body as the archive of memories and emotions: what moves us? Dance Katja Heitmann MOTUS MORI MUSEUM concept and choreography Katja Heitmannwith Eleni Ploumi, Ornella Prieto, Anton van der Sluis, Adina Ternström, Julia Drittij music Sander van der Schaaf artistic assistant Moene Roovers co-production tanzhaus nrw (DE), Marres house for contemporary culture (NL), STRP Festival […]
Motus Mori – Museum

20 July, Oratorio di S. Maria delle Grazie, 10:00 – 13:00 MOTUS MORI A laboratory on the practices brought forward by Katja Heitmann, German choreographer based in the Netherlands, on the Motus Mori project, created to archive, through the performers’ bodies, human movements before they disappear. This is a long-term, ever-evolving project. The archive travels […]

After the curtain call, the after-party begins: a selection of live DJ-sets leads us through the night. From 23:00, at the Giardini di Piero. Organised by I Citti del Fare. Fri 12: Dj Ricky B (commercial) Sat 13: Dj Benny Blanco (techno) Sun 14: Dj Lorenzo Trevinati (deep house) Mon 15: Dj Francesco Gori Awarz (commercial) Tue 16: Dj Skualo (’90s) Wed 17: […]

Celebrating the meeting of bodies and souls through dance Dance Komoco / Sofia Nappi IMA with Arthur Bouilliol, Leonardo de Santis, Glenda Gheller, India Guanzini, Paolo Piancastelli assistant to the choreography Adriano Popolo Rubbio light design Alessandro Caso production Sosta Palmizi co-production La Biennale di Venezia, Color’s – International Dance Festival, Centro Coreográfico Canal costumes design Luigi […]
We did it!

A better world? We can do it! Theatre Ateliersi WE DID IT! concept Fiorenza Menni and Andrea Mochi Sismondiwith Andrea Mochi Sismondidirection, stage space and sound project Fiorenza Mennidramaturgy Andrea Mochi Sismondimusical creation Vincenzo Scorzavoices Anna Amadori, Massimiliano Briarava, Eugenia Delbue, Fiorenza Menni e Alessio Scorzacommunication and project management Tihana Maravicpromotion and distribution Marica Marennaadministration […]

From irony to absurdism, an invitation to go beyond appearances Dance Les Vagues / Joachim Maudet WELCOME choreography and performance Joachim Maudet and with Sophie Lèbre, Pauline Bigot light design Nicolas Galland technical direction Laura Cottard, Brice Helbert sound design Julien Lafosse sound director Rebecca Chamouillet, Julien Lafosse outside eye Yannick Hugron, Chloé Zamboni vocal […]
DOS – Duo onirico sonoro in concert

Concerts with emerging and established artists from the national and European music scene decorate the aperitif hour at the Giardini di Piero: from prog to electronic, all strictly live. Annalisa De Feo – piano, voice, electronics – and Livia De Romanis – cello, voice, effects – stage a live performance conceived as an ever-changing stream […]
Il teatropostaggio da un milione di dollari

Actors and memers for first-ever performance to be realised on Telegram Digital Performance Giacomo Lilliù – Pier Lorenzo Pisano IL TEATROPOSTAGGIO DA UN MILIONE DI DOLLARI ideation, performative curatorship Giacomo Lilliù dramaturgical curatorship Pier Lorenzo Pisano with the actors Federica Dordei, Lorenzo Guerrieri, Arianna Primavera, Daniele Turconi with the creators Giulio Armeni, Davide Palandri, Piastrelle sexy, Daniele Zinni, […]
Sleep in the Car

Three dancers on a Citroën Dyane Urban Dance Virgilio Sieni SLEEP IN THE CAR choreography Virgilio Sieniperformance and collaboration Jari Boldrini, Sara Sguotti, Maurizio Giunti music Domenico Scarlatti A group of performers carry out a choreography made of marginal gestures, enclosed and shared in a car. This symbolic space for the contemporary condition becomes a home, an escape, […]
Esercizi per scomparire

An intimate pas de deux, with puppets Dance Amalia Franco ESERCIZI PER SCOMPARIREdietro la luce by and with Amalia Franco puppets Amalia Franco, Gianluca Vigone production La Terra Galleggiante with the support of Workspace Ricerca X/research & dramaturgy Torino, Trac_Centro di residenze pugliese-Crest-Teatro Tatà di Taranto, Maison Jacques Copeau, Pernand Vergelesses A dialogue on human […]
Officina Oceanografica Sentimentale

From a caravan to the depths of the ocean: a journey through the eyes of migrants Urban Theatre for 7 spectators at a time Compagnia Samovar OFFICINA OCEANOGRAFICA SENTIMENTALE concept and performance Luca Salata An immersive performance: a 15 minutes long apnea to understand how deep the sea is. All of us, from Ulysses to […]
Vasari: Le Vite

Digital Performance from 5pm to 10pm Lombardi – Tiezzi VASARI: LE VITEnati sotto Saturno video work Federico Tiezzi by Le Vite by Giorgio Vasari dramaturgical adaptation Fabrizio Sinisi video making Davide Barbafiera co-production Comune di Pistoia, Musei Civici, Museo del Novecento e del Contemporaneo di Palazzo Fabroni, Vulpis Productionin collaboration with Teatri di Pistoia with the support […]
Motus Mori – Museum

The body as the archive of memories and emotions: what moves us? Dance Katja Heitmann MOTUS MORI MUSEUM concept and choreography Katja Heitmann with Eleni Ploumi, Ornella Prieto, Anton van der Sluis, Adina Ternström, Julia Drittijmusic Sander van der Schaaf artistic assistant Moene Roovers co-production tanzhaus nrw (DE), Marres house for contemporary culture (NL), STRP Festival […]

After the curtain call, the after-party begins: a selection of live DJ-sets leads us through the night. From 23:00, at the Giardini di Piero. Organised by I Citti del Fare. Fri 12: Dj Ricky B (commercial) Sat 13: Dj Benny Blanco (techno) Sun 14: Dj Lorenzo Trevinati (deep house) Mon 15: Dj Francesco Gori Awarz (commercial) Tue 16: Dj Skualo (’90s) Wed 17: Dj […]
Rua da saudade

A tribute to Portuguese writer Fernando Pessoa Dance Adriano BologninoRUA DA SAUDADE choreography Adriano Bolognino with Rosaria Di Maro, Noemi Caricchia, Cristina Roggerini, Roberta Fanzinicostumes Tns Branddramaturg Gregor Acuna-Pohltexts Rosa Coppolamusical support Mirko Ingraoproduction Körper| Centro Nazionale di Produzione della Danza co-production Torino Danza Festival / Teatro Stabile di Torino – Teatro Nazionale, Orsolina28, Fondazione […]
F.U.S. Fottuti, Utopisti e Sognatori

The relationship between human beings and employment, told from the perspective of a performing arts worker Theatre Teatro dei Borgia F.U.S. FOTTUTI, UTOPISTI E SOGNATORI ovvero Cechov senza più betulle concept, direction, light design Gianpiero Alighiero Borgiawith Teresa Acerbis, Raffaele Braia, Marco De Francesca, Serena Di Gregorio, Sabino Rociolaartistic direction Elena Cotugnotechnical direction Filippo Sarcinelli production Domenico […]

A tribute to a beloved, forgotten and now rediscovered musical genius Dance Gianmaria Borzillo FEMENINE concept, performance, realisation Gianmaria Borzillo with Max Simonetto, Emma Saba, Juri Bizzotto, Gaia Ginevra Giorgi, Johanna Robyn Closuit light design Valeria Foti poetic text Gaia Ginevra Giorgi collaboration to the artistic research Paola Granato visual research, graphics and illustrations Juri […]
Druga in concert

Concerts with emerging and established artists from the national and European music scene decorate the aperitif hour at the Giardini di Piero: from prog to electronic, all strictly live. A foray into Druga’s songs and compositions from La Carne, their concept album released in 2022, evoking 70s singer-songwriter prog. On stage, singer and guitarist Andrea […]
Il teatropostaggio da un milione di dollari

Actors and memers for first-ever performance to be realised on Telegram Digital Performance Giacomo Lilliù – Pier Lorenzo Pisano IL TEATROPOSTAGGIO DA UN MILIONE DI DOLLARI ideation, performative curatorship Giacomo Lilliù dramaturgical curatorship Pier Lorenzo Pisano with the actors Federica Dordei, Lorenzo Guerrieri, Arianna Primavera, Daniele Turconi with the creators Giulio Armeni, Davide Palandri, Piastrelle sexy, Daniele Zinni, […]
There is a Planet

An ecological hymn to the planet Urban Dance Michelle Scappa THERE IS A PLANET concept Michele Scappa with Emanuel Santos music Francesco Giubasso production Company Blu A choreographic exploration of the uniqueness of natural places, inspired by the work of architect Ettore Sottsass by the same name. The dancer centralizes the spectators’ gaze, while […]
Sei la fine del mondo (letteralmente)

Eco-feminist theories in the world around us Annachiara Vispi SEI LA FINE DEL MONDO (LETTERALMENTE) dramaturgy and direction Annachiara Vispi with Valentina Ghelfi, Selene Demaria scenic movement Giulia Macrì video Elena Costa, Annachiara Vispi finalist In-Box 2024 with the support of Spin Time Labs, Sementerie Artistiche, Over_Emergenze Teatrali (Argot Produzioni, Fertili Terreni, Teatro Nest) photos Elena Costa […]
Officina Oceanografica Sentimentale

From a caravan to the depths of the ocean: a journey through the eyes of migrants Urban Theatre for 7 spectators at a time Compagnia Samovar OFFICINA OCEANOGRAFICA SENTIMENTALE concept and performance Luca Salata An immersive performance: a 15 minutes long apnea to understand how deep the sea is. All of us, from Ulysses to Noah […]
Vasari: Le Vite

Digital Performance from 5pm to 10pm Lombardi – Tiezzi VASARI: LE VITEnati sotto Saturno video work Federico Tiezzi by Le Vite di Giorgio Vasari dramaturgical adaptation Fabrizio Sinisi video making Davide Barbafiera co-production Comune di Pistoia, Musei Civici, Museo del Novecento e del Contemporaneo di Palazzo Fabroni, Vulpis Productionin collaboration with Teatri di Pistoia with the support […]
Motus Mori – Museum

The body as the archive of memories and emotions: what moves us? Dance Katja HeitmannMOTUS MORI MUSEUM concept and choreography Katja Heitmann with Eleni Ploumi, Ornella Prieto, Anton van der Sluis, Adina Ternström, Julia Drittijmusic Sander van der Schaaf artistic assistant Moene Roovers co-production tanzhaus nrw (DE), Marres house for contemporary culture (NL), STRP Festival for […]

After the curtain call, the after-party begins: a selection of live DJ-sets leads us through the night. From 23:00, at the Giardini di Piero. Organised by I Citti del Fare. Fri 12: Dj Ricky B (commercial) Sat 13: Dj Benny Blanco (techno) Sun 14: Dj Lorenzo Trevinati (deep house) Mon 15: Dj Francesco Gori Awarz (commercial) Tue 16: Dj Skualo (’90s) Wed 17: Dj […]

A synchronized chorus moved by an irresistible desire for proximity Dance mk / Michele Di StefanoSFERA#uno stato eternamente nascente choreography, dramaturgy, costumes Michele Di Stefanocollaboration to dramaturgy Massimo Contiwith Philippe Barbut, Biagio Caravano, Flora Orciari, Sebastiano Geronimo, Luciano Ariel Lanza, Laura Scarpini, Francesca Ugoliniprops Philippe Barbutlight design Giulia Broggimodular system live Biagio Caravanomanagement Carlotta Garlanda […]

A dancing eulogy to fragility Collettivo Macula AMELIA by and with Priscilla Pizziol, Edoardo Sgambato production Zerogrammi with the support of TAP_Torino Arti Performative, Regione Piemonte, MIC original music and sound design Walter Laureti costumes Mariangela Di Domenico Two bodies inhabit a single chair, trying to bring back memories of past lives, worlds and times. These are […]
La buca

Improvisation, play and theatre of the absurd Theatre Nerval TeatroLA BUCA concept, performance, direction Maurizio Lupinelli and with Carlo De Leonardo collaboration to the concept Elisa Pol costumes Elisa Pol set design and technical direction Gianni Gamberini artistic collaboration Barbara Caviglia management Ilenia Carrone logistics Eleonora Cavallo production Nerval Teatro with the support of MiC – Ministero della Cultura […]
Cacao in concert

Concerts with emerging and established artists from the national and European music scene decorate the aperitif hour at the Giardini di Piero: from prog to electronic, all strictly live. Cacao is an instrumental duo, born in Ravenna in 2013, formed by Diego Pasini on bass and Matteo Pozzi on guitar – both former members of […]
Il teatropostaggio da un milione di dollari

Actors and memers for first-ever performance to be realised on Telegram Digital Performance Giacomo Lilliù – Pier Lorenzo Pisano IL TEATROPOSTAGGIO DA UN MILIONE DI DOLLARI ideation, performative curatorship Giacomo Lilliù dramaturgical curatorship Pier Lorenzo Pisano with the actors Federica Dordei, Lorenzo Guerrieri, Arianna Primavera, Daniele Turconi with the creators Giulio Armeni, Davide Palandri, Piastrelle sexy, Daniele […]
The Beauty of It

How many masks do we wear? Urban Dance Angel Duran THE BEAUTY OF IT choreography and performance Angel Duran costumes Paula Ventura sound design Pep Vilaregut collaboration to dramaturgy Blanca Apilánez with the support of Teatre la Gorga de Palamós, Teatre l’Atlàntida de Vic, Internationalles Solo-Tanz Festival Stuttgart, Cortoindanza, Charleroi danse / La Raffinerie Brussels Inspired […]
Officina Oceanografica Sentimentale

From a caravan to the depths of the ocean: a journey through the eyes of migrants Urban Theatre for 7 spectators at a time Compagnia Samovar OFFICINA OCEANOGRAFICA SENTIMENTALE concept and performance Luca Salata An immersive performance: a 15 minutes long apnea to understand how deep the sea is. All of us, from Ulysses to Noah […]
Vasari: Le Vite

Digital Performance from 5pm to 10pm Lombardi – Tiezzi VASARI: LE VITEnati sotto Saturno video work Federico Tiezzi by Le Vite by Giorgio Vasari dramaturgical adaptation Fabrizio Sinisi video making Davide Barbafiera co-production Comune di Pistoia, Musei Civici, Museo del Novecento e del Contemporaneo di Palazzo Fabroni, Vulpis Productionin collaboration with Teatri di Pistoia with the support […]
Con grande sprezzo del ridicolo

Colonial deceptions and forbidden dreams told through a true story Theatre Fabio Marson – Asini Bardasci CON GRANDE SPREZZO DEL RIDICOLO by Fabio Marson with Filippo Paolasini, Lucia Bianchi, Marco De Rossi direction Filippo Paolasini light design Max Mugnai winner of Bando NdN – Network Drammaturgia Nuova 2022 music Andrea “Jimmy” Catagnoli costumes Lapi […]

After the curtain call, the after-party begins: a selection of live DJ-sets leads us through the night. From 23:00, at the Giardini di Piero. Organised by I Citti del Fare. Fri 12: Dj Ricky B (commercial) Sat 13: Dj Benny Blanco (techno) Sun 14: Dj Lorenzo Trevinati (deep house) Mon 15: Dj Francesco Gori Awarz (commercial) Tue 16: Dj Skualo (’90s) Wed 17: […]

Dialoghi sulla vita, all’ombra di una ruota panoramica Theatre Francesca SarteanesiNIKITA performance and direction Francesca Sarteanesiand with Alessia Spinelliconcept and dramaturgy Francesca Sarteanesi, Tommaso Cheliproduction Scarti Centro di Produzione Teatrale d’Innovazione, Teatro Metastasio di Pratowith the support of Teatri di Pistoia Centro di Produzione Teatralecostumes Rebecca Ihleset design Rebecca Ihle and Lorenzo Cianchiset realization Alessandro […]

Mediterranean roots through the ritual of bread-making Dance Sofian JouiniJEDEYA choreography Sofian Jouini music Guillaume Bariou set design Clément Vinette testimony Fatma Jouini production La 37eme Chambre The ancient gestures of rural and peasant life resurface in the dancer’s body, to lead him into the depths of his family history, through the memory of the […]
The Barnard Loop

An endless illusion: sleep or wake? Theatre DispensaBarzotti THE BARNARD LOOP by Alessandra Ventrella, Rocco Manfredi direction and light design Alessandra Ventrella with Jacopo Maria Bianchini, Rocco Manfredi set design Rocco Manfredi, Paolo Romanini sound design Dario Andreoli logistics Cie Les Karnavires support to the production Comune di Marsiglia – programma “action spectacle vivant”, Theater Laboratory Sfumato (Sofia), Officine CAOS (Torino), Centro di […]
BookOrchestra in concert

Concerts with emerging and established artists from the national and European music scene decorate the aperitif hour at the Giardini di Piero: from prog to electronic, all strictly live. BookOrchestra is an orchestra of books. Andrea Marinelli gathers a choir of readers, conducts them live, and samples them with live-electronics, creating new scores and […]

What you truly love stays Urban Dance Pergallini – PitarresiMEMENTOun inutile infinito concept and choreography Marco Pergallini, Maria Stella Pitarresiproduction Twain Centro Produzione Danzawith the support of Teatro Libero Palermo, MIC – Ministero della Culturawinner of Danza Urbana XL 2024 Two bodies investigate the meaning of memory, which allows them to return to places they […]
Alphabet: conversazione

A possible choreographic composition that feeds off the peculiarities of the subjects involved Dance / Workshop Outcome gruppo nanou ALPHABET: CONVERSAZIONE workshop curated by Marco Valerio Amico with the participants of the workshop coproduction CapoTrave/Kilowatt A public showing of the outcome of the residency workshop led by choreographer Marco Valerio Amico. An opportunity to discover […]
Officina Oceanografica Sentimentale

From a caravan to the depths of the ocean: a journey through the eyes of migrants Urban Theatre for 7 spectators at a time Compagnia Samovar OFFICINA OCEANOGRAFICA SENTIMENTALE concept and performance Luca Salata An immersive performance: a 15 minutes long apnea to understand how deep the sea is. All of us, from Ulysses to […]
Vasari: Le Vite

Digital Performance from 5pm to 10pm Lombardi – Tiezzi VASARI: LE VITEnati sotto Saturno video work Federico Tiezzi by Le Vite by Giorgio Vasari dramaturgical adaptation Fabrizio Sinisi video making Davide Barbafiera co-production Comune di Pistoia, Musei Civici, Museo del Novecento e del Contemporaneo di Palazzo Fabroni, Vulpis Productionin collaboration with Teatri di Pistoia with the support […]
Rivoluzioni possibili

Palazzo Alberti, 10:00 – 16:45 RIVOLUZIONI POSSIBILIfour pillars of civil economy, towards a future for communities The district of interregional civil economy is the brainchild of Fondazione Progetto Valtiberina, and it aims to outline a shared vision for the development of an inclusive and sustainable economic model for the Alta Valle del Tevere area. The […]
Il tuo rumore

16-18 July, CasermArcheologica, 10:00-16:45 YOUR NOISE A training process to focus the technical and creative basis of dialogue, giving space to each participant’s own sensibility to encourage self-imagination. Fiorenza Menni from Ateliersì will work on emotional precision in interpretation, on the power of being looked at and of looking. The group will observe the […]

After the curtain call, the after-party begins: a selection of live DJ-sets leads us through the night. From 23:00, at the Giardini di Piero. Organised by I Citti del Fare. Fri 12: Dj Ricky B (commercial) Sat 13: Dj Benny Blanco (techno) Sun 14: Dj Lorenzo Trevinati (deep house) Mon 15: Dj Francesco Gori Awarz (commercial) Tue 16: Dj Skualo (’90s) Wed 17: […]
QAnon Revolution

The world’s biggest conspiracy Theatre Evoè Teatro – Silvio Peroni QANON REVOLUTION tutto quello che viene detto in questo spettacolo è vero by Riccardo Tabilio direction Silvio Peroni with Emanuele Cerra, Alice Conti, Gabriele Matté set design, graphics and video Lorenzo Zanghielli light design Marco Filippone costumes Lucia Menegazzo sound technician Mattia Nardon press office Chiara […]

An interactive performance on the meaning of existence. Theatre Lyto TriantafyllidouPHOTOGRAPHS inspired to the novel of Vassilis Vassilikosdirection and dramaturgical adaptation Lyto Triantafyllidouwith Electra Fragiadakis and Dimitris Passasoriginal music Alexandra Katerinopouloulight design Vassilis Apostolatosorganisation and executive production Kirki Karalisproduction Jour Fixe AMKE, Municipal and Regional Theatre of Kavala Lazarus has immigrated to an unknown country: […]

Overcoming male / female binarism? Dance Gruppo Voluptas / Pablo Ezequiel Rizzo ALBATROS concept, choreography Pablo Ezequiel Rizzo with Alessandra Cozzi, Giuseppe Zagaria dramaturg Eliana Rotella light design Fabio Brusadin production HangartFest, Ass. Aiep Ariella Vidach e Ramificazioni Festival with the support of Movimento Danza, e Compagnia Dracma call for proposals finalist Residanza – Movimento Danza […]

Looking at everyday spaces with new eyes Urban Dance Lucrezia C. Gabrieli / Giacomo Calli #SUNFLOWEREXPERIENCE music, sound, dramaturgy Giacomo Calli dramaturgy, choreography, voice Lucrezia C. Gabrieli English voice Melanie Neu production Anghiari Dance Hub project realized thanks to Bando Abitantewith the support of Centro di Produzione Nazionale della Danza Virgilio Sieni e di Fondazione Cr […]
Muni in concert – Oltre Tutto Live

Concerts with emerging and established artists from the national and European music scene decorate the aperitif hour at the Giardini di Piero: from prog to electronic, all strictly live. A live set that mixes the acoustic sounds of guitars and drums with electronic loops and synthesizers: music becomes a means to reach other worlds. […]

The fall of a humanity hungry for identity and affirmation Urban Dance Gaetano Palermo SWAN with Rita Di Leosound design Luca Gallioartistic assistance Michele Petrosinowinner of the Bando Biennale College Teatro Performance Site-Specific 2023 costumes Gaetano Palermoadministration KLm prosthetics Crea Fxproduction La Biennale di Veneziawith the sustain of Casa della cultura Italo Calvino, H(abita)T – […]
Futuro Anteriore

How do we want to live when we get old? Theatre Ferrara Off / Giulio Costa FUTURO ANTERIORE with Antonio Anzilotti De Nitto, Matilde Buzzoni, Gloria Giacopini, Matilde Vigna dramaturgy Margherita Mauro direction Giulio Costa finalist In-Box Prize 2020, Cervi Prize 2020 with the support of MiC and SIAE, as part of the initiative “Sillumina – Copia […]
Vasari: Le Vite

Digital Performance from 5pm to 10pm Lombardi – Tiezzi VASARI: LE VITEnati sotto Saturno video work Federico Tiezzi by Le Vite by Giorgio Vasari dramaturgical adaptation Fabrizio Sinisi video making Davide Barbafiera co-production Comune di Pistoia, Musei Civici, Museo del Novecento e del Contemporaneo di Palazzo Fabroni, Vulpis Productionin collaboration with Teatri di Pistoia with the support […]
AI Love, Ghosts and Uncanny Valleys

Is it possible to fall in love with an avatar? Digital Performance for 20 spectators at a time Mara Oscar Cassiani AI LOVE, GHOSTS AND UNCANNY VALLEYS <3// ho rotto con la mia intelligenza artificiale e non la scaricherò mai più production Re:Humanism 2023, Associazione Culturale Super Bubble special mention Salvatore Iaconesi di Re:Humanism thanks to […]
Summer School: Digital Performing Arts

15-19 July DIGITAL PERFORMING ARTS: TOOLS AND OPPORTUNITIES FOR THOSE WHO WORK IN CULTURETHE SUMMER SCHOOL How does the digital transition influence creative processes, organisations and audiences? What strategies, skills and tools are needed to develop digital performing arts projects? What is the contribution of the Metaverse and Artificial Intelligence? The CapoTrave/Kilowatt Association proposes free […]

After the curtain call, the after-party begins: a selection of live DJ-sets leads us through the night. From 23:00, at the Giardini di Piero. Organised by I Citti del Fare. Fri 12: Dj Ricky B (commercial) Sat 13: Dj Benny Blanco (techno) Sun 14: Dj Lorenzo Trevinati (deep house) Mon 15: Dj Francesco Gori Awarz (commercial) Tue 16: Dj Skualo (’90s) Wed 17: Dj […]
Come ho imparato a non preoccuparmi e ad amare la Russia

Russia today: between exiled artists and censorship Theatre Teodoro Bonci del BeneCOME HO IMPARATO A NON PREOCCUPARMI E AD AMARE LA RUSSIA by and with Teodoro Bonci Del Bene collaboration to the direction Francesca Gabucci costumes Medina Mekhtievasi production Accademia Perduta/Romagna Teatri thanks to Andrea Dok Ceccarelli, Marco Mantovani, Letizia Quintavalla photos and poster Federico […]
Il disperato

The origins of domestic violence Theatre Wunderbaum / Marleen Scholten IL DISPERATO una tragedia moderna senza via d’uscita concept, dramaturgy, performance, direction Marleen Scholten and with Alessandro Riceci, Ludovica Callerio, Elisabetta Bruni set and light design Maarten van Otterdijk dramaturg Dafne Niglio technician Enrico Mirante thanks to Romaeuropa, Zona K, Theater Rotterdam, Paolo Aniello, Paolo Mastromo, Tiziana Colla […]
A Solo in the Spotlights

A sarcastic solo on the rituals of showbusiness Dance Vittorio Pagani A SOLO IN THE SPOTLIGHTS choreography, dramaturgy, performance Vittorio Pagani production The Place London show selected for the Vetrina della Giovane Danza d’Autore 2023 – Network Anticorpi XL executive production Equilibrio Dinamico collaboration to dramaturgy Hannes Langolf, Martin Hargreaves light design Mark Webber Dance, text […]
Sons of Viljems in concert

Concerts with emerging and established artists from the national and European music scene decorate the aperitif hour at the Giardini di Piero: from prog to electronic, all strictly live. Sons of Viljems are a London-based duo consisting of Andrea Giommi, vocals and guitar, and Nejc Haberman, bass and synthesiser. Their album, Lithospheric Melodies, paints a […]
La Notte, il Sogno di Uccello, la Madre che canta la guerra #trittico 3

Three visionary site-specific performances, inspired by 14th and 15th century Italian art. Visual Art Luigi Presicce La Notte, il Sogno di Uccello, la Madre che canta la guerra #trittico 3performance for one spectator at a time concept and realisation Luigi Presiccecuratorship Pietro Gaglianòwith Anna Capolupo, Valeria Carrieri, Matteo Coluccia, Stefano Giuri, Valentina Lupiwith the support […]

Looking at everyday spaces with new eyes Urban Dance Lucrezia C. Gabrieli / Giacomo Calli #SUNFLOWEREXPERIENCE music, sound, dramaturgy Giacomo Calli dramaturgy, choreography, voice Lucrezia C. Gabrieli English voice Melanie Neu production Anghiari Dance Hub project realized thanks to Bando Abitantewith the support of Centro di Produzione Nazionale della Danza Virgilio Sieni e di Fondazione […]
De/frammentazione di Dramma Assoluto

Who can help us make an impossible story possible? Theatre Fabio Pisano – Michele Segreto DE/FRAMMENTAZIONE DI DRAMMA ASSOLUTOcon incursioni a latere di Io Epico dramaturgy Fabio Pisano direction Michele Segreto with Francesca Borriero, Michele Magni, Roberto Marinelli assistant director Irene Latronico with the support of Amat – Associazione Marchigiana Attività Teatrali in collaboration with Ram – Residenze Artistiche […]
Vasari: Le Vite

Digital Performance from 5pm to 10pm Lombardi – Tiezzi VASARI: LE VITEnati sotto Saturno video work Federico Tiezzi by Le Vite di Giorgio Vasari dramaturgical adaptation Fabrizio Sinisi video making Davide Barbafiera co-production Comune di Pistoia, Musei Civici, Museo del Novecento e del Contemporaneo di Palazzo Fabroni, Vulpis Productionin collaboration with Teatri di Pistoia with the support […]
AI Love, Ghosts and Uncanny Valleys

Is it possible to fall in love with an avatar? Digital Performance for 20 spectators at a time Mara Oscar Cassiani AI LOVE, GHOSTS AND UNCANNY VALLEYS <3 // ho rotto con la mia intelligenza artificiale e non la scaricherò mai più production Re:Humanism 2023, Associazione Culturale Super Bubble special mention Salvatore Iaconesi – Re:Humanism […]
Body, Intimacy, Digital Writing

Meeting BODY, INTIMICY, DIGITAL WRITING how new female directors and choreographers are defining different priorities for the contemporary scene A recent study by Associazione Amleta says that, in major Italian theatres (National and Tric), only 35.1%, of directors, playwrights, and actresses are women. If we take a look only at female directors, these are even […]

After the curtain call, the after-party begins: a selection of live DJ-sets leads us through the night. From 23:00, at the Giardini di Piero. Organised by I Citti del Fare. Fri 12: Dj Ricky B (commercial) Sat 13: Dj Benny Blanco (techno) Sun 14: Dj Lorenzo Trevinati (deep house) Mon 15: Dj Francesco Gori Awarz (commercial) Tue 16: Dj Skualo (’90s) Wed 17: […]

Voguing and classical myth, to redefine the codes of masculinity Dance Marta Izquierdo Muñoz / [lodudo] producción DIOSCURES concept and choreography Marta Izquierdo Muñozwith Thibaut Michel, Ébènelight design Anthony Merlaud music and sound design Benoist Bouvot technical direction Alessandro Pagliassitant, helmet design Eric Martinset design Alexandre Vilvandreprops François Blaizot & Pascal St-Andrédramaturgy Robert Steijn The […]
Shaking Shame

A practice of joy, pleasure, and liberation Dance Melyn Chow / Frascati ProductiesSHAKING SHAME concept, direction, performance Melyn Chowand with Estela Canal Parejo, Rita Bifulco, Sjaid Foncé, Laura Boser light design Minna Tiikkainensound design Maoyi Qiuset design Lena van Driedramaturgy Renée Copraijmentor and advisor Floor van Leeuwenvoice and space holder Leela May Stokholmthanks to Audre […]

An actor’s, or rather actress’s, theater work on the theme of the changing body Theatre Teatro dell’ArgineMISERELLA words by Caterina Bartoletti, Nicola Bonazzi, Micaela Casalboni, Giulia Franzaresi, Ida Strizziwith Caterina Bartoletti, Micaela Casalboni, Giulia Franzaresi, Ida Strizzidirection Micaela Casalbonicollaboration to the direction Andrea Paolucciset design Nicola Bruschicostumes Sabrina Berettaoriginal music Davide Sebartolilight design William Sheldoncare […]
Occhilucidi in concert

Concerts with emerging and established artists from the national and European music scene decorate the aperitif hour at the Giardini di Piero: from prog to electronic, all strictly live. Occhilucidi is a band formed by three young musicians: Mattia Borghi, Alessandro Giombini and Giulia Maggesi. Together they explore various styles and genres, from hyper pop […]

Looking at everyday spaces with new eyes Urban Dance Lucrezia C. Gabrieli / Giacomo Calli #SUNFLOWEREXPERIENCE music, sound, dramaturgy Giacomo Calli dramaturgy, choreography, voice Lucrezia C. Gabrieli English voice Melanie Neu production Anghiari Dance Hub project realized thanks to Bando Abitante with the support of Centro di Produzione Nazionale della Danza Virgilio Sieni e di Fondazione […]
Just Walking

Walking is a community practice Urban Theatre Campsirago Residenza / Michele Losi JUST WALKING written, directed and performed by Michele Losi and with Sebastiano Sicurezza set design and costumes Stefania Coretti music Luca Maria Baldini e Nori Tanaka actors coach Sebastiano Sicurezza movements Filippo Porro_Azioni Fuori Posto collaboration to dramaturgy Sofia Bolognini production Campsirago Residenza with Omnicent Ukiha […]
Vasari: Le Vite

Digital Performance from 5pm to 10pm Lombardi – Tiezzi VASARI: LE VITE nati sotto Saturno video work Federico Tiezzi by Le Vite by Giorgio Vasari dramaturgical adaptation Fabrizio Sinisi video making Davide Barbafiera co-production Comune di Pistoia, Musei Civici, Museo del Novecento e del Contemporaneo di Palazzo Fabroni, Vulpis Productionin collaboration with Teatri di Pistoia with the […]
La cantautrice fantasma

A pataphysical investigation on autorship Theatre Ivan TalaricoLA CANTAUTRICE FANTASMA by and with Ivan Talarico thanks to Roberto Castello, Aldes, Giulia Zeetti The story of an unknown songwriter, who is the true author behind highly successful singles, is traced. Her original songs are compared with their more famous versions. How is it possible that she […]
Feedback Visionari

Sat 13 – Sun 21, 11:00 – 12:30, Caffè delle Stanze FEEDBACK VISIONARI Throughout the year, the group of 44 “Visionari” (‘spectators-not-at-work’) has examined, one by one, 400 performance proposals and chose nine to be presented at the festival. One performance was chosen together with the “Visioyoung”, a group of Visionari under 18, students of […]
L’attore e la sua voce

A Tribute to Lombardi – Tiezzi There are two public meetings dedicated to the work of Lombardi – Tiezzi: the first explores their relationship with visual art, the second their relationship with the actor’s voice and body. Participants: Giovanni Agosti, Francesca Benedetti, Francesca Della Monica, Giovanni Frangi, Lino Guanciale, Iaia Forte, Franco Raggi, Fabrizio Sinisi, […]

After the curtain call, the after-party begins: a selection of live DJ-sets leads us through the night. From 23, at the Giardini di Piero. Organised by I Citti del Fare. Fri 12: Dj Ricky B (commercial) Sat 13: Dj Benny Blanco (techno) Sun 14: Dj Lorenzo Trevinati (deep house) Mon 15: Dj Francesco Gori Awarz […]
La lunga strada di sabbia

The gentle song of Italy in the very first invisible portrait of the economic boom Theatre Compagnia Lombardi – TiezziLA LUNGA STRADA DI SABBIAil viaggio in Italia di Pier Paolo Pasolini by Federico Tiezziwith Sandro Lombardi and the mezzosoprano Monica Bacellipiano Andrea Rebaudengoconcept Biagio Scuderiadaptation and dramaturgy Fabrizio Sinisimusical dramaturgy Emilio Salaco-production Società del Quartetto […]
A Duet

The (impossible?) dialogue between the contemporary and the classic Dance Dovydas Strimaitis / Still Waiting A DUET choreography Dovydas Strimaitis with Clara Davidson, Ibai Jimenez light design Lisa M. Barry costumes Taylor Wishneff sound engineer Maxime Jerry Fraisse music Adolphe Adam – No. 20 Allegro feroce (Giselle, London Symphony Orchestra, Michael Tilson Thomas) production Still […]
Come se niente fosse

Being late in life: the confusion of Millennials Theatre Davide Grillo COME SE NIENTE FOSSE by and with Davide Grillo with the support of MET Teatro Metastasio di Prato A weather alert warns the population that a giant wave of skepticism is approaching. A humorous investigation on the relationship between job insecurity and meaninglessness, on neoliberalism […]
Enna Düsseldorf in concert

Concerts with emerging and established artists from the national and European music scene decorate the aperitif hour at the Giardini di Piero: from prog to electronic, all strictly live. Enna Düsseldorf is a duo from Ravenna composed of Jenny Burnazzi and Andrea Carella, founders of the band Rigolò and the trio Comaneci. Their music combines […]
Risonanze (Extra)Ordinarie

Ad Alta Voce Risonanze (Extra)Ordinarie Public meeting about (Extra)Ordinary Resonances project, which uses reading aloud as a tool towards active citizenship. running time: 45′
La Notte, il Sogno di Uccello, la Madre che canta la guerra #trittico 2

Three visionary site-specific performances, inspired by 14th and 15th century Italian art. Visual Art Luigi Presicce La Notte, il Sogno di Uccello, la Madre che canta la guerra #trittico 2performance for one spectator at a time concept and realisation Luigi Presiccecuratorship Pietro Gaglianòwith Anna Capolupo, Valeria Carrieri, Matteo Coluccia, Stefano Giuri, Valentina Lupiwith the support […]
Vasari: Le Vite

Digital Performance from 5pm to 10pm – opening at 6pm Lombardi – Tiezzi VASARI: LE VITE nati sotto Saturno video work Federico Tiezzi by Le Vite by Giorgio Vasari dramaturgical adaptation Fabrizio Sinisi video making Davide Barbafiera co-production Comune di Pistoia, Musei Civici, Museo del Novecento e del Contemporaneo di Palazzo Fabroni, Vulpis Production in collaboration with Teatri […]
La belva nella giungla

Film Lombardi-TiezziLA BELVA NELLA GIUNGLAthe pale blue dot project: capitolo I by Henry Jamesvideo work Federico Tiezziwith Anna Della Rosa, Graziano Piazzacostumes Giovanna Buzzilight design Gianni Pollinipictorial interventions Jacopo Stoppaphotos and editing Nicola Belluccimake-up Sofia Righimachinist operator Stefano Deilive sound tecnician Alessandro Di Fraiaco-production Vulpis Productionswith the contribution of Fondazione CR Firenzewith the sustain of […]
Teatro e Arti Visive

A Tribute to Lombardi – Tiezzi There are two public meetings dedicated to the work of Lombardi – Tiezzi: the first explores their relationship with visual art, the second their relationship with the actor’s voice and body. Participants: Giovanni Agosti, Francesca Benedetti, Francesca Della Monica, Giovanni Frangi, Lino Guanciale, Iaia Forte, Franco Raggi, Fabrizio Sinisi, […]
Alphabet: metodo

12-16 July, CasermArcheologica, 10:00-16:45 Marco Valerio Amico / gruppo nanou ALPHABET: METODO This lab held by choreographer Marco Valerio Amico (gruppo nanou) is a direct dialogue with dancers and performers to share and test the choreography process of the company. The meetings follow an empirical process: after giving a few instructions to activate improvisation, immediate […]

12-20 July, Tedamis, 9:30-16:45 Sosta Palmizi / Giorgio Rossi – Livio MinafraRAPSODIE This workshop for dancers and musicians stems from choreographer and performer Giorgio Rossi and pianist and composer Livio Minafra’s desire to combine the study of improvisation with that of movement, seeking a context where dance, music, action, text and play can be harmoniously […]
Dj-set by Gabriele Banchelli and Bubble

Dj-set by Gabriele Banchelli and Bubble project at the Giardini del Cassero in Castiglion Fiorentino, organised by Associazione Cautha.
Risonanze (Extra)Ordinarie

Adolescence, between words and music Reading Ad Alta VoceRisonanze (Extra)Ordinarie dramaturgy by Lucia Franchi, Simone Faloppawith Chiara Ramanziniperformed by Lavinia Bartoccioni, Aurora Biagi, Virginia Billi, Stefania Calin, Erika Campolo, Sofia Carapelli, Chiara Ceccherini, Asia Di Laora, Sofia d’Oppido, Alessia Falchi, Siria Gostinelli, Ana Maria Iordachel, Simone Laurenzi, Elisa Lucci, Cristian Magi, Matilde Marina Arnetoli, Ketrin […]
La Notte, il Sogno di Uccello, la Madre che canta la guerra #trittico 1

Three visionary site-specific performances, inspired by 14th and 15th century Italian art. Visual Art Luigi Presicce La Notte, il Sogno di Uccello, la Madre che canta la guerra #trittico 1 performance for one spectator at a time concept and realisation Luigi Presiccecuratorship Pietro Gaglianòwith Anna Capolupo, Valeria Carrieri, Matteo Coluccia, Stefano Giuri, Valentina Lupiwith the […]